Sunday, October 5, 2008

Due 10/9 - RSS

This will be a fun-filled evening.
  • Steve Hargedon, creator of Classroom 2.0 will Skype with us. Review Identify at least 2 questions that you want to ask him about his Classroom 2.0, social networking and Web 2.0 in general.
  • Dr. Dan Powers, Owner of Iowa Island on Second Life, will join us "in-world" (SL).
  • RSS - You have been introduced to RSS but there a SOOOOO many things that it can do. Review these resources and you will be prepared for the work in our class. We will be learning about the RSS opportunities and you will be creating your own RSS resource center.
Using RSS Feeds (15:26) - UTech Tips .com Video introduction to RSS. We have heard from this person earlier in the semester. Do you remember when and who? RSS 101: Using RSS in Education Explains more about RSS and shares some applications. RSS and Education List of 15 educational applications for RSS on a website that has "Everything You Need to Know about RSS." Explore the RSS resources that are listed in the left column.
Aggregator as Textbook - Will Richardson
Will reflects on how RSS aggregators have changed the way he makes sense of the world. GoogleReader How to Blog Posting Describes how to get the most out of Google Reader. Includes directions for setting it up and organizing your RSS sources. Try this out on your own Google Reader. Set up the blogs of your class.


Dave Graw said...

Dr. Z,

Excellent posting- it felt like I had struck a goldmine of great information. Really liked the RSS- Specifications site.


Oldman Winter said...

I see someone was paying attention last week. Nice use of tiny URLs!